1. What is a Parable?
This is my first message from my upcoming book, The Parable of the Sower. As with most concepts, it is is helpful to start this discourse with a definition of what a parable is. Jesus loved using parables to teach and to communicate His messages with the multitudes that followed Him. In my book I will go into some detail explaining why He did this. But first, what is a parable?
It is a simple earthly story with profound heavenly meaning. It is using natural earthly concepts and day to day examples that everyone can understand to reveal & explain supernatural spiritual truths.
Jesus used natural earthly concepts like farming to explain and reveal to his listeners how they could experience the Kingdom of heaven. He also used examples of a lamp, baking, fishing, shepherding, a wedding and so forth to explain His kingdom.
Every time Jesus taught in parables, He was revealing spiritual mysteries about God’s Kingdom. And because He was talking to carnal unregenerate people, He had to teach them in a way that they could understand what He was talking about.
He used their day to day life to teach them how the Kingdom of God works and how they can participate in it.
The Parable of The Sower
The Parable of the Sower is a map and pathway into the Kingdom of God. It is the how to of experiencing heaven on earth.
It is about experiencing the Kingdom of God. It is about entering and living in that realm everyday. It is about living in heaven on earth.
It shows us how the Kingdom of God works and how it can influence every area of our life and world.
The parable of the sower is God’s kingdom in a story. A story about farming. About sowing seed.